The Region C Water Planning Group (RCWPG) is one of 16 regional water planning groups established by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) to help develop and revise a comprehensive water plan for Texas for the next 50 years. Each water planning group is responsible for preparing and adopting a regional water plan through a bottom-up, consensus-based planning process.
The RCWPG is made up of voting members representing a variety of interest groups, including agriculture, counties, electric-generating utilities, environment, groundwater management areas, industry, municipalities, public, river authorities, small business, water districts and water utilities.

The RCWPG is currently working to develop the 2026 Region C Water Plan for North Central Texas, which will eventually become part of the 2027 State Water Plan. Click here to see the current (2021) Region C Water Plan.
The RCWPG conducts its functions during public meetings in an open and participatory manner. Special public meetings are held when the RCWPG develops its scope of work and when it hosts a public hearing before adopting the final regional water plan.